Solve poor password habits easily and quickly, so you can secure every account with one, simple login
We’re excited to announce our new partnership with LastPass, a password management solution. With LastPass, you will never have to write a password on a Post-It note again!
How many different usernames and passwords do you use on any given day, work-related or otherwise? Whatever the number, it’s likely too many to remember. So how do you keep track? Do you use the same password across multiple accounts? This leaves all of them vulnerable if just one account is hacked. Do you use Post-It notes or an Excel spreadsheet labeled “Passwords”? Not exactly a best practice.
This is why we’re partnering with LastPass; a password management system designed to make your life easier and more secure. LastPass helps you take three critical steps to ensure your online accounts are protected:
LastPass makes it even easier to complete these steps by remembering the web sites you visit and automatically logging you into them – so you never have to actually remember (or even worse – type!) those complex, hacker-proof passwords.
Shield your IT and your company from cyber threats with our new advanced cyber security offering.
Ensure data security and business continuity with cutting-edge cloud backup and data recovery solutions.
Managed IT solutions give you the support you need for all your computers, networks, and servers.
Our simple and cost-effective cloud hosting solutions provide secure and reliable options for your business.